资源 SigmasTek
1. What is an Ampere?
The unit of measure of the electron flow, or current, through a circuit.
2. What is Ampere Hour (AH)?
The unit of measure for a battery’s electrical storage capacity, gained by multiplying the current in amperes by the time in hours of discharge.
3. What is a battery?
The unit for storing chemical energy and converting and discharging this energy as electrical current.
4. What is capacity?
The Number of ampere-hours (Ah) a fully charged cell or battery can carry under certain conditions of discharge.
5. What is a cell?
Basic electrochemical unit that is used to store electrical energy.
6. What is a charge?
The process of restoring electrical energy to a cell or battery.
7. What is a container?
Polypropylene or hard rubber case. It holds the battery plates, straps and electrolyte.
8. What is a corrosion?
Damaging chemical reaction of a liquid electrolyte with a reactive material.
9. What is a cycle?
The process of discharging plus recharging a battery.
10. What is a cycle life?
The number of cycles a cell or battery provides before failure.
11. What is cycle use?
A method of using a secondary battery repeatedly by charging and discharging.
11. What is a deep discharge?
The state in which a cell is fully discharged using low current, so that the voltage drops below the final discharging voltage.
12. What is a discharge?
The process of battery current delivering.
13. What is an electrode?
A conducting mass that includes materials, which are capable of reacting with the electrolyte in a cell to produce or accept current.
14. What is an electrolyte?
The material in a cell that transfers electrons between the electrodes, conducts ions in the cell.
15. What is an electrolysis?
The electrochemical decomposition of water from the electrolyte.
16. What is a float charge?
A method of charging in which a secondary cell is continuously connected to a constant-voltage supply that maintains the cell in a fully charged condition.
17. What is a grid?
The lead alloy framework that supports the active material of a battery plate and conducts current.
18. What is a separator?
A divider between the positive and negative plates of an element which allows the flow of current to pass through it.
19. What is sulfation?
Formation of lead sulfate crystals on the plates of a lead-acid battery.
20. What is a terminal?
External electric connections of a cell or battery.
21. What is Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) Battery?
Sealed lead acid and maintenance free batteries.
22. What is a voltage?
Electromotive force or potential difference, expressed in volts (V).
22. What is Watt Hours?
A way of expressing the capacity in terms of energy in a cell.